Faculty Orientation
Carolina University Faculty Orientation Course
Course Overview
A quick survey before we begin...
About Carolina University
Online Course Design Guide
Interaction and Instruction
Grading with Feedback & Rubrics
Gradebook Setup
Course Abandonment
Academic Schedule
Video Protocols
Academic Processes
What exactly is "SOAP"?
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Worksheet
Old Content
Course Creation Checklist
Textbook Adoption
Converting your syllabus to a PDF
Best Practice #1: Be present in the course
Best Practice #2: Create a supportive online course community
Best Practice #3: Share clear expectations for your students and for yourself
Best Practice #4: Use a variety of large group, small group, and individual work experiences
Best Practice #5: Use both synchronous and asynchronous activities
Best Practice #6: Ask for informal feedback early in the term
Best Practice #7: Prepare discussion posts that invite questions, discussions, reflections and responses
Best Practice #8: Focus on content resources and applications and links to current events and examples that are easily accessed from learner's computers
Best Practice #9: Combine core concept learning with customized and personalized learning
Best Practice #10: Plan a good closing and wrap activity for the course
Variety in Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Using Assessment for Student Engagement
Email signatures
Benefits and Licenses
Browsers: Choose Wisely
Videos and Captions
Technology Quiz
The George M. Manual Library
Registrar's Office
School Meetings
Faculty Meetings
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